
ELyT Global organizes annual workshops in order to promote discussions and exchanges about on-going projects as well as new potential collaborations. ELyT seminars on specific topics may also be organized.

  • The ELyT Workshop 2024 (14th edition) was held on March 11th to 13th in Sendai and Yamagata
  • The ELyT Workshop 2022, the 13th edition, was held on November 16th to 18th in Lyon. It was the occasion for celebrating the Doctor honoris Causa of Professor Toshiyuki Takagi as well as exchanging in the framework of an Almuni event together with Mr. Consul of Japan
  • The LyonSEN - ELyT Workshop 2021, the 12th edition, was held as a virtual conference on June 21st to 25th, 2021.
  • The LyonSEN - ELyT Workshop 2020, the 11th edition, was held on February 17th to 19th, 2020, in Vogüé, Ardèche, France.
  • The ELyT Workshop 2019, the 10th edition, was held on March 9th to 12th, 2019, in Sendai and Naruko Onsen, Japan.
  • The ELyT Workshop 2018, the 9th one in ELyT history but the first organised by ELyT Global, was held on March 6th to 8th, 2018, in Satillieu, Ardèche, France.

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