The eleventh edition of the Franco-Japanese ELyT School was held from 26 August to 3 September 2019 in Lyon, on the campuses of INSA and Ecole Centrale, in collaboration with the associated international laboratory (LIA) of the CNRS ELyT Global (elyt-lab.com), which includes engineering research laboratories from the University of Tohoku in Sendai, INSA Lyon and ECL.

Every year (alternately in France and Japan), the summer school aims to introduce the partner institutions to students from the other country (mainly engineering and master's students, in order to raise their awareness of double degree programs and to encourage the future implementation of co-supervision theses). A total of 31 students (18 from Tohoku University) were able to meet and exchange ideas during the summer school. Their academic origin is quite diverse but linked to ELyT Global's activities: mechanics, physics, materials, tribology, biosciences, and environment. This greatly strengthened the interaction between students from both countries during these 10 days. They will be future ambassadors for ELyT School, and are highly motivated to participate in academic exchange programs as well as double master and doctoral degrees.

Download the report file here