ELyT Global

20 Jun

ELyT Global

PHC Sakura and ASPIRE project calls

Two calls for projects that may be of interest are currently open:

* PHC Sakura: Implemented by the JSPS, the MEAE and the MESR, this program aims to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between laboratories of the two countries, by promoting new cooperation and the participation of young researchers and doctoral students.
Application deadline: September 5, 2023. (Please note: due to the implementation of a new platform for submitting applications, the application period on the French side will begin on 16 August. However, the Campus France teams are available to answer all your questions for the development of your application.)
More information: https://www.campusfrance.org/fr/sakura

* ASPIRE. This JST funding is for researchers based in Japan who wish to conduct research in collaboration with researchers in a number of foreign countries, including France.
Application deadline: August 17, 2023.
More information:


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